
Department Offerings


Learn to program in Java in 5 minutes!  

Instructor: Laramie Crocker

With the BeanShell interpreter,  we'll have you creating windows and graphics from Java in minutes.  Then we'll discuss changing the code and seeing the effects.  Once you've experienced programing hands-on, we'll dive in and see why it works, and then explore the Java programming environment through concrete, visual programming examples.  This class is for anyone who would like to learn programming from scratch, but it is open to students of all levels. The class is from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, but the core work will be from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and then we'll hang out and work on code examples and programs until 5:00 pm.

You'll need to bring a laptop, or share with a friend with a laptop. Please contact the instructor prior to the class to ensure that your laptop is set up correctly with Java installed. This should be done before coming to the class, and the instructor will guide you through this via eMail. (It's basically just a few downloads and installations, but every platform is a little different.) The instructions are available online.
Please register yourself for the class here.
Then enroll yourself in the class. Either click on CSS > Java in 5 Minutes, or use this Link
Or, drop a line here:

Programming 3D spaces in Java - online worlds

We will use open source Java software packages to explore how to program online worlds and explore 3D programming and game concepts.  Specifically, we'll work with the Java-based packages  jMonkeyEngine,  and  Art of Illusion.

Design and Problem-Solving

CDC: Create, Divide and Conquer

Laramie Crocker discussed a methodology for designing and building things, and solving problems using his CDC methodology. Read the paper online here: Create, Divide and Conquer.

Computers and Musicians

ProTools: Composing Flow

This class explores how to use the digital audio workstation as a music composing tool. We'll look at the fundamentals of capturing a performance, but then quickly move to how we can use ProTools to compose - whether by recording short takes and comping them together, or by using MIDI input, or by using the looping and over-dubbing features of ProTools. We'll build some songs from the ground up and explore improvisation in this environment.  This class is open to anyone who would like to learn ProTools.

See also:
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Art of Illusion